If Game of Thrones characters were in Banks

Ever imagined what would it be like if the popular characters from Game of Thrones were in Bank!

We imagined a few possibilities.

So here we go :

Bank memes
How would it be to have Cersi as your Bank MD
Bank memes
Every regional or zonal head seems to have an army with them
Bank memes
Every branch manager had only one answer to the higher authorities: yes sir!
Bank memes
Do you feel that credit incharge is given more importance?
Bank memes
New recruit, new enthusiasm. But we all know how it ends
Bank memes
Just hold the door
Bank memes
I will chase every NPA customer for you, my lord
Bank memes
I have no friends. Just do your work and go away
Bank memes
‘main bhi to bank ka he aadmi hu’
Bank meme
Sir ji, please help us sell this product
Bank memes
I know only one thing, how to maintain liasioning with different stakeholders
Bank meme on customers
Does this pic need any more description

This was just for fun. We do not intend to insult or offend any one here.

So remember, ‘Winter is coming’

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